Jesus and Judas split because Jesus was the theocracy and Judas was the collections finance and legal service. One killed the other. All watchtowers of the city Jerusalem were built outside the city wall connected to the temple inside the city wall. Yet to use the WatchTower you had to go thru the temple. To kill the first Roman down below from up above on the watch tower, the Jews brought their weapons thru the temple hidden in their garments These guns will be brought into churches when martial law is proclaimed from now until the asteroid impact. This is why they will also accuse the watchtower of having weapons if the holy ones or anointed gather to trial like Jesus did. Judas the legal turning on Jesus the theocracy. Don't let the WT fool you, Judas exists at the table of Jesus until Armageddon itself. It could be one of 7 claiming there are no pedophiles, or it could be someone who makes confession in online video that he hates himself for looking at tight spandex packages on men, asking women if they see these tight bulges too like he does. Proper or not proper our Jesus said that both brother and enemy would dish out the measure back to you that you have been dishing out to them.
ELIJAH waking up a bride like John did